Tuesday, December 24, 2019

What is Coconut Shell Charcoal, Making Process, Benefits and Prices

What is Coconut Shell Charcoal, Making Process, Benefits and Prices
Coconut Shell Charcoal

What is coconut shell charcoal ?

Coconut Shell Charcoal, Making Process, Benefits and Prices - If we discuss about coconut, one part that is very useful for human life is the nut, all parts of this coconut can be used to meet human needs, one of which is coconut shells, where I live has a coconut shell which is very abundant due to high consumption of coconut flesh and coconut water.

Coconut shell can be said as waste, which has no economic value at all if it is not further processed, to increase economic value, one of which is to change coconut shell into handicrafts, or by turning it into charcoal.

Coconut shell charcoal is a coconut shell that goes through the process of heating or burning to the extent of leaving a black residue.

What is coconut shell charcoal used for ?

Coconut shell that has been burned into charcoal has a high carbon content. A good material used to make coconut shell charcoal is an old coconut shell, with the characteristics of a dark brown shell. Coconut shell charcoal has enormous benefits, especially as fuel, and if you want to make it into fuel, then coconut shell charcoal can be made into coconut shell charcoal briquettes
Coconut shell charcoal briquettes

Benefits of coconut shell charcoal

Besides being used as fuel by turning into a briquette, coconut shell charcoal is known to have several benefits, because the carbon properties of charcoal are activated carbon, here are some of the benefits:
1. Absorb poisons in the body
2. To reduce cholesterol
3. Cleanse the digestive system
4. Treat stomach aches
5. Relieve inflammation
6. Heal wounds
7. To stop diarrhea
8. Prevents motion sickness after consuming alcohol
9. To clear and purify water
10. Removes dirt on the skin.

Coconut shell charcoal making process

In the process of making coconut shell charcoal, it does not require a complicated process, the steps in making it namely

Old coconut shell
Coconut shell

Drum or adjust to the shell provided
Oil or paper to burn

Step making process
1. Insert the coconut shell into the drum or a place that can adjust the amount of the shell.
2. Flush with oil then burn the paper and place it in a shell stack.
3. Burn the coconut shell until the smoke is gone and the shell turns into charcoal.
4. Flush with water until the fire on the shell is completely extinguished, then dry in the sun to dry completely.

Coconut shell charcoal powder

Coconut shell charcoal powder
In the process of burning coconut shell charcoal, the shell that we burn often still contains coconut fibers, to further process the charcoal into powder, it is necessary to choose between the burning powder and coconut shell charcoal, separate the powder and charcoal into two parts, and what will be used is charcoal.

Furthermore, after being separated, coconut shell charcoal is then ground using a machine to make charcoal powder, this coconut shell charcoal powder is further processed, for example for the manufacture of briquettes.

Indonesian coconut shell charcoal

In my country, Indonesia, coconut can be said as one of the basic needs, especially as food, drinks, and other processed products, this results directly in the emergence of waste from coconut, including coconut shells, Indonesian coconut shell charcoal is one of the export products made from coconut shells for add economic value, in addition to being used for the handicraft industry which is also very well known in various parts of the world.

Coconut shell charcoal price Indonesia

Coconut shell charcoal price Indonesia, if it is used by the surrounding community, has a very affordable price, for one plastic weighing around 2 kg, we can get it for Rp. 5000, if you change in exchange rates of dollars with a ratio of $ 1 = Rp. 14,000, it's very cheap, but for export markets with large quotas, quoted according to peluangusaha.kontan.co.id, in an article published in May 2019, export quality coconut shell charcoal is sold at a price of $ 1,300 / ton.

Thus my short article this time about what is coconut shell charcoal, the manufacturing process, benefits and prices, coconut shell charcoal has the best quality that can be used as one of the needs for fuel and others, hopefully useful.

Monday, December 23, 2019

How to Grow Dwarf Orange Coconut

How to Grow Dwarf Orange Coconut
Having a dwarf orange coconut tree in front of the house will certainly give you a cool and beautiful rural sensation. The added value offered by dwarf orange coconut cannot grow tall like an ordinary coconut tree, only reaching 2-4 meters, so it will not interfere if planted in front of your house.

If your home yard is large enough, then planting dwarf orange coconut trees is highly recommended, other than as an ornamental plant, this plant can be fruitful and very beneficial for health.

Dwarf orange coconut will grow well if planted in the lowlands and temperature, with temperatures between 25-35 C. This plant is very resistant to heat, so the water needs are not too much. You only need to water it once a day.

Tips for Planting dwarf orange coconut Trees in front of the house

Dwarf orange coconut plants can be planted directly or using pots, depending on the location of planting available.

Plant directly or in pots

This is a minimalist garden model that might be applicable. By way of surrounding the tree with a cement circle will be able to limit the root space, so that it will be more neatly arranged.

If you want to use a pot, use a 60 cm diameter pot. The disadvantage is the lack of pot strength, if the pot is broken it will be more difficult to handle, need extra energy,

In addition, you can also plant it directly in the ground, then plant grass around an coconut tree, and spread it evenly throughout your garden to make it more beautiful.

Watering 1-2 times a day, and cleaning the area around the plant or stem regularly is very important so that the dwarf orange coconut tree can grow optimally.

Making dwarf orange coconut Bonsai

Bonsai dwarf orange coconut is also in great demand by many people, because it has a high aesthetic value. In addition, by making a bonsai from coconut tree the more economical value and also can bear fruit.

Making dwarf orange coconut bonsai is quite easy, namely by slicing dwarf orange coconut fruit on the front, peel all the skin first but must be careful so that the incision does not penetrate into the coconut shell.

Fruit that has been cut can be directly planted in a pot. The media used are soil, manure and charcoal husks, with a ratio of 1: 1: 1

Because in the growing period of coconut bonsai requires a lot of nutrients so that the compost and charcoal husks are needed so that the nutrients in the soil are met.

Perform regular cuts, every three days to trigger the growth of new shoots, but must be careful so that the shoots are not affected by the incision. Use a sharp knife to make cuts.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Kopyor Coconut or Macapuno, and it taste

Kopyor Coconut or Macapuno, and it taste
Kopyor Coconut  - Maybe this is my lucky day, when I visited my friend's house, he actually said that he had a coconut tree that was different from coconut trees in general, his coconut trees often produced kopyor coconuts.

I was lucky because he want to get it directly from the tree, and he climbed a coconut tree and took one coconut, yes, only one, coconut kopyor is a coconut that has an abnormality in coconut flesh and coconut water.

Coconut trees that often produce kopyor coconuts are almost 15 years old, planted behind his house and very close to fish ponds, the history of this tree when it was planted, also came from the parent which produced kopyor coconut, had also thought to breed This coconut is to be able to have a coconut tree that produces kopyor coconut too, but there are several assumptions that make doubt, which one is whether kopyor coconut can be cultivated from kopyor coconut.

About Kopyor Coconut

Kopyor coconut is very famous in the world, especially with the name Macapuno, the name Macapuno comes from Philippines, in several countries in Asia with a high population of coconut trees, also has their respective names in each country, such as dong kathi in Cambodia, thairu tengai in India, kopyor in Indonesia and Malaysia, niuk scratching in Papua New Guinea, pia in Polynesia, dikiri pol in Sri Lanka, maprao kathi (Thai: กะทิ) in Thailand, and dừa sáp ('wax coconut') in Vietnam quoted from the page en.wikipedia.org.

The name Kopyor Coconut is taken from the vocabulary in Javanese, kopyor means inappropriate, incomplete, damaged, or half.

Although in several regions in Indonesia also have other names, but the name of Kopyor Coconut is the most famous for the name of the coconut fruit that has this disorder.

Kopyor Coconut in general has the same shape as other coconuts, which distinguishes only the flesh of the coconut fruit has a different texture and taste. The old kopyor coconut, coconut water can be very little or even none, kopyor coconut has an uneven texture of meat, has a soft texture like ice cream, just by using a spoon, we can easily take kopyor coconut meat. Flavors produced from coconut kopyor tend to be sweet and savory.

Because kopyor coconut is very rarely found and has a high demand, the price for one kopyor coconut can be 4-5 higher than the price of ordinary coconut, the high economic value of kopyor coconut is what then makes many parties think about how to cultivate kopyor coconut .

Kopyor Coconut Cultivation.

Quoted from the page litbang.pertanian.go.idlitbang.pertanian.go.id, Kopyor Coconut Plant is divided into two types, namely the Inner type and the early type. Each has different characteristics.

In the Type Kopyor coconut has the characteristics of large stems, have a ball at the base of the stem, start flowering at the age of 5-7 years, the size of the fruit is quite large but few in number, and has a high genetic diversity because the flowers cross pollinate so that the chances of meeting the recessive genes in female flowers and pollen are relatively small. Naturally, kopyor coconut plants in type only produce 1-2 kopyor coconuts per bunch.

Whereas the early Kopyor Coconut has a smaller stem than the Inner type, does not have a ball at the base of the stem, starts to produce fruit at the age of 3-4 years, the fruit is smaller in size but a lot. Kopyor coconut types of early maturing produce kopyor fruits per bunch more than Inner types, sometimes it can reach 50%, this is due to early types of coconuts including self-pollinating plants so that the chances of recessive genes meeting on female flowers and pollen are greater.

In kopyor coconut cultivation can be done in two ways.

First, the conventional way, using seeds derived from bunches that produce kopyor fruit. Plants that are propagated this way if they have produced only produce 1-2 grains / bunches.

Second, in vitro method, which is to grow embryos from kopyor fruit on artificial growth media in the laboratory under aseptic conditions. Plants produced in this way will produce 90% to 100% kopyor coconuts.

Due to the nature of the flowering characteristics of the coconut plants cross-pollinating, kopyor coconut seedlings. In the results of in vitro techniques must be planted in an isolated area from ordinary coconut trees. The tolerable distance is 400 meter. Conversely, because of the nature of self-pollination, early Kopyor coconut seedlings can be planted in areas that are not isolated too tightly like the Inner type.

Types of Kopyor Coconut.

In general, Kopyor coconut has the same characteristics as normal coconut, as already mentioned above, but from the results of the study, at least there are already superior varieties of Kopyor coconut that have been released by official agricultural institutions in my country, namely:

1. Dwarf Brown Kopyor Coconut ( Kelapa kopyor Cokelat genjah )

2. Dwarf Green Kopyor Coconut.( Kelapa Kopyor Hijau Genjah )

3. dwarf Yellow Kopyor Coconut. ( Kelapa Kopyor Kuning genjah )


kopyor coconut is one of the abnormalities in coconuts, with unique characteristics and flavors causing this type of coconut has many enthusiasts, especially for consumption, either as food or drinks, with the development of technology in agriculture, it is not difficult to get superior seeds of kopyor coconut which of course is very helpful in cultivation in order to get more benefits, especially in economic terms.

Below, I attach a video which i am documented about kopyor coconut, which I shared a little above.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

How To Make Spoon From Coconut Shell At Home

How To Make Spoon From Coconut Shell At Home
How to make a coconut shell spoon is one of the handicrafts from a coconut shell that has benefits and can be used like a metal spoon.

Benefits of spoons

Spoon is one of the necessary utensils in the kitchen or on the dining table, spoon has a function as a tool to take food.

Spoons have various sizes, each of which has its own uses, in general the type of spoon is a tablespoon, vegetable spoon, and rice spoon.

Coconut shells for making spoons

Coconut shell is a hard part of coconut, which serves to protect meat and coconut water, with the hard layer of coconut shell, has the benefit, one of which is to be made into handicrafts, and one of these handicrafts is a spoon.

Coconut shells have long been used by those living in tropical climates where coconut trees grow very well.

The coconut shell spoon has its own uniqueness, the natural motif of the shell makes one of these handicrafts widely used as souvenirs, home decoration, besides it can also be used normally like a metal spoon.

Types of spoons from coconut shells

Commonly known spoons are tablespoons and flatware, to make both of them very able, but there are several other types of spoons that can be made using shells including, vegetable spoons, rice spoons.

The difference from each spoon above is only the shape and size, the shape and size itself there is no standard used, because the size of the coconut shell is also not same.

One thing is certain that to be used as tableware, spoon and other tools from coconut shells, safe to use and also durable.

How to make a spoon from coconut shells

Making a spoon from a coconut shell can be distinguished in two ways, namely on the handle of the spoon, the handle directly from the shell or using other materials such as wood as a handle. for a small spoon, we can directly make a handle from the shell, so without cutting, but for a spoon that is quite large, we must use wood as a handle.

Using a wooden spoon handle can also explore the art that will be produced from a spoon from a coconut shell. how to make a coconut shell spoon ?


Old coconut shell

Wood as a handle

Tools used




Stainless nails

Hand drill machine

How to make

1. Take an old coconut shell with dark brown shell characteristics, then smooth the surface using sandpaper

2. To make a small spoon or tablespoon, we can copy the size of a metal spoon, put a metal spoon in a coconut shell, then use a pencil to make a line around a metal spoon.

3. After the spoon-like line is formed, draw another rectangular line around the spoon line, then cut the rectangular shell using hacksaw.

4. After the shell is cut into a square, then use sandpaper to thin the shell to the spoon line, use a hand grinder to shorten the time.

5. Do the sanding to form a spoon pattern, then thin the surface of the coconut shell using sandpaper, do so that the surfaces on both sides are really smooth.

6. If the size of the shell used is long enough, you can proceed immediately by making the handle of the spoon.

7. If the size of the shell is small, we can use wood as a handle, cut it thin and puree following the size of the handle of a metal spoon.

8. At the end of the spoon, make a hole using a drill. make two holes.

9. Stick the wooden handle on the part that has been perforated, then insert the stainless nails to connect the shell and the wooden handle, tighten

10. If it will be used as a souvenir, the spoon can be made shiny by giving varnish or mineral oil. if it is to be used for tableware, then the process stops at number 9, and the spoon is ready for use.

To make a spoon as a souvenir's, then unlimited creativity can be done, one of them is by making interesting and unique handle motifs according to our creativity, please try if there is something unclear you can ask in the comments column, thank you, hopefully this article helpful.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

How to Clean the Outside of the Coconut

how to clean coconut shell how to clean the outside of a coconut shell how to clean a coconut shell how to clean coconut clean coconut how to clean a coconut milk to clean plant leaves
How to Clean the Outside of the Coconut
How to clean the outside of the coconut is very easy if you know the tool used, namely sandpaper.

Coconut is a plant that has many benefits, from roots until leaf's, all of which can be used to support human life, the most common benefits are the nut, namely coconut water and coconut meat.

Coconut is composed of 3 layers, namely outer skin, coconut fiber, and coconut shell, coconut fiber and coconut shell are also of many benefits,

In this article, I will only focus on coconut shell, the characteristic of coconut shells is the rough surface because there are fibers and very hard, maybe the hard texture of this shell serves to protect the flesh and coconut water so when the nut falls, it will not damage the meat and water inside coconut.

Coconut shell are widely used for crafts, this process is done to provide added value economically, because coconut shell are usually only a piece of waste that is worthless, most often only burned and used as charcoal.

To make coconut shell into a handicraft, in general coconut shell is cleaned and smoothed it's surface.

Then the question arises, how to clean and smooth the out side of the coconut shell.

Let us discuss

To clean outside coconut shells from fibers and refine them, we can use tools such as knife and sandpaper, knife are used to clean fibers but the surface of the shells has not been smooth, to smooth them out we can use sandpaper with 3 choices, namely Fine (150 to 180), Very Fine (220 to 240), Extra Fine (280 to 320).

The following steps to clean the outside of the coconut shell

1. Take the coconut that is still intact, then peel until the husk is separated from the coconut shell.
2. Use a knife to clean the outside surface until the fibers are gone.
3. Use one of the sandpaper types above, to smooth, rub the sandpaper on the shell surface forwards and backwards by hand.
4. For one grain of coconut that is mashed the surface of the outer side using sandpaper, to obtain results that are really smooth it takes about 30 minutes.

That is the way to clean the outer coconut, the above process can also be done to clean the inside of the coconut shell, good luck.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

9 Coconut Shell Handicraft Ideas That Can Be Made Easily

I make sure these 10 handicraft ideas from coconut shells that are easily made, because the manufacturing process does not require many tools and can be done at home.

Coconut shell can be used to make various kinds of crafts. Want to know the craft of coconut shells and how to make them

The problem is because the structure of the coconut shell is very hard, so it takes careful work so that the results obtained will be good.

Here are 10 coconut shell handicraft ideas that are easy to make

1. Crafts From Coconut Shell Ashtray

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Coconut shell ashtray

For many people who smoke, using an ashtray is certainly very important. Where, the rest of the cigarettes can be thrown directly into place. Generally, the available ashtrays are made of stone or non-combustible material. However, for those who want to be creative, they can make ashtrays from coconut shells.
Ashtrays from coconut shells certainly have a uniqueness that is so high and very suitable for use. Moreover, for those who like the uniqueness of the side will be so meaningful. To make it yourself is not too confusing. Here's how to make it:

Tools and materials
Coconut shell,
Wood glue,

Ways of making
The first step, prepare the shell and sandpaper until smooth,
Next, cut the shell into 1/3 whole parts,
The rest of the cut, glued together,
Finally, do the finishing to your liking.

2. Cups from Coconut Shell

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Cup from coconut shell

Almost all people certainly need a cup to enjoy drinking tea, coffee and water. However, it's not unique if the cup used is only made of glass or even plastic. Now, with high creativity can make cups from coconut shells.
How is it made? Here's how to make a cup from a complete coconut shell:

Tools and materials
Coconut shell,
Carving Tools,

Ways of making
First, coconut shell sandpaper until smooth,
Next, divide it into 2 parts evenly using a prepared saw,
After that, clean the inside of the shell,
Next, the top shell can be cut just enough to be the bottom of the cup,
Glue the bottom using glue,
If necessary, carve,
Finally, finishing for better results.

3. Brooches From Coconut Shell

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Brooches from coconut shell

Women need some additional accessories to look more beautiful. One of them is a brooch which apparently can be made using coconut shells, making it one of the handicrafts from coconut shells. Of course, the results are no less interesting than factory-made products.

Tools and materials
Coarse sandpaper,
Fine sandpaper,

Making Steps
First, prepare the shell and puree using coarse sandpaper,
Next, puree using fine sandpaper,
Next, saw into several parts and clean the inside,
After that, saw by forming some uniqueness,
Then, do the finishing and glue a special pin on the brooch with glue,
Finally, wait for it to dry and ready to use.

4. Necklace of Coconut Shell

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Necklace from coconut shell
This necklace is much safer and stronger in all weather conditions. It is suitable for use on those who want to look stylish and keep it simple. The design idea in this coconut shell necklace craft has no limits, the more we are creative, the more necklaces we can make, this is just one example of how to make it.
Tools and materials
Coconut shell,
Carving Tools,

Making process
First of all, do fine grind using sandpaper,
Next, the saw becomes a box and some parts,
After that, sand the back inside,
Then, engrave if necessary,
Next, glue it with string and shape like a necklace,
Finally, do fisnihing to make it more beautiful.

5. Pen Place From Coconut Shell

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Pen place from coconut shell
In some office or home places, pens are quite important. However, there are still many who are confused about how to place pens correctly and appropriately. Now, there is an interesting and cool alternative, which is a coconut shell pen.
This one handicraft is very interesting and easy to make. Want to make it? Check out the method below.

Tools and materials
Coconut shell,

Ways of making
The first step is to smooth the coconut shell using sandpaper,
Next, saw 1/3 section evenly,
Then, do the cleaning on the inside of the coconut shell,
Next, make modifications to make it more unique and interesting,
Finally, do the finishing correctly and smoothly.

6. Beautiful Bowl From Coconut Shell

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Bowl from coconut shell
The need for household equipment is indeed so much. one of them is a bowl. Apparently, coconut shell can be made as a beautiful bowl, in addition to natural it also has a traditional feel.
Also much more efficient and durable in the long run. Here's how to make a bowl from coconut shells:

Tools and Materials Needed
Coconut shell,
Fine sandpaper,
Mineral oil,
Small brush,
Glue gun,

Making Steps
Cut the coconut shell into 2 parts with a ratio of 60/40,
Then, sandpaper the outside and the inside from the shell until smooth,
After that, apply mineral oil to the coconut shell,
Next, attach the second section under the bowl as a base leg,
Next, dry the coconut shell bowl,
Finished, the bowl is ready and safe to use.

7. Coconut shell craft tissue box

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Tissue box from coconut shell
Generally, tissue boxes only have ordinary models. But we can be creative and provide innovation for a tissue box by making using coconut shells. by making tissue boxes from coconut shell base material, it will look unique and different from other tissue boxes.
Tools and materials

Making step
First, use a knife to remove the fibers in the coconut shell,
Then, clean the shell using sandpaper,
After that, break the block into small pieces and evenly distributed,
Next, varnish all the small pieces evenly,
Next, stick the shell fragments on the tissue holder using glue,
Finally, use a webbing strap.

8. Key Chain From Coconut Shell

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Key cahin from coconut shell
Other handicrafts that can be made from coconut shells are key chains. Of course, how to make it yourself is not too complicated. Interestingly, the selling value of this item is quite high. In fact, you can create and innovate, key chain handicrafts can utilize small pieces of coconut shells.
Want to know how to make it

Tools and Materials Needed
Coconut shell,
Iron key chain,
Drilling machine,

Making process
Make sure all the necessary ingredients are available and not left behind at all. Here's how it was made:
 First, use a knife to clean the coconut fibers,
Next, cut the coconut shell using a saw into two parts,
Next, make a pattern from a keychain using a pencil,
Saw the key pieces, follow the pattern drawn on the coconut shell,
Next, make a hole in the end of the shell and insert the key chain.

9. Spoon from coconut shell

A spoon is a tableware that is definitely there when we are going to consume something, and generally a spoon is made of metal and plastic, but with a little creativity and ideas we can make a spoon from a coconut shell.
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Spoon from coconut shell
This coconut shell spoon also doesn't need a whole coconut shell, we can make it only from small pieces of coconut shell, besides being as accessories, a spoon from a coconut shell can function like a spoon in general.

Tools and Materials in Making Spoons from Coconut Shell
1. Small coconut shell
2. Stick the shape as above.
3. Wood glue
4. Markers
5. Ruler
6. Small saw
7. Vernis

How to make
Sketch a spoon on the coconut shell.
Then puree the outer and inner surfaces of the coconut shell using sandpaper.
Cut the coconut shell according to the sketch.
stick the shell that has been cut with sticks.
If you use it for accessories, just use glue, but if you use it, you can connect it using nails made from stainless steel so it doesn't rust.
Use lacquer so that the spoon is shiny if it's for accessories, don't varnish it if it's going to be used.
Sensok is ready to use.

Thus 10 ideas for making crafts using coconut shells, and very easy to make yourself at home.
good luck

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Coconut Shell Handicraft Ideas, Fish Shape Key Chain

Coconut Shell Handicraft Ideas, Fish Shape Key Chain
Coconut shell
Coconut shell with its characteristics that are hard and dark brown, can be used as handicrafts, of course we must have ideas and imagination about how the craft will be formed.

Coconut shells include materials that can be used in various arts and crafts.
Coconut shell and hand saw

One idea to make handicrafts from coconut shells, is to use a piece of coconut shell that is not large enough, to make a key chain, this time I will share about how to make handicrafts from coconut shells with fish shapes that will be made into key chains.

Because the structure of the coconut shell is very hard, it often arises the question, how to cut the coconut shell to be used as handicrafts, the answer is easy, by using a hacksaw.

Then to smooth the surface how, of course by using sandpaper, we can use sandpaper as you wish, because sandpaper consists of various no with different levels of smoothness.

The process of making handicrafts made from coconut shells in the form of fish is very easy to do, along with the equipment I use to make.


Hand saw


A piece of coconut shell

Steps of making

1. The first time we have to prepare is the design, or sketch of the image that we made in the paper as a reference in making.
Draw design in the back of coconut shell

2. After the design is finished, it can be affixed to the shell and we draw again, in this process, I redraw the fish design inside the coconut shell.
hacksaw to start cutting parts of the shell

3. After that, use a hacksaw to start cutting parts of the shell, keep in mind, because the surface of the coconut shell is very hard and we are working in a very small area, often there are difficulties when we hold and cut the shell, therefore, cut it straight following the design.
Start Cutting coconut shell following design

4. After cutting, use sandpaper to make the design to look like it has been made before, this process will take quite a long time, but the results will be good, because if we cut the shell on the design line, often found the shell will break and not according to the design.
Use sand paper to make shape coconut shell

5. So that the process of sanding is faster, you can use a rotating machine sandpaper, in this process, I use a sandpaper that modifies the fan dynamo, for the rotation I use thick paper that is affixed with fine sandpaper, so the sandpaper can erode the shell surface so the design which makes it very fitting.
Sanding carefully following line design

6. Do sanding with care so that the desired design is formed properly, after it is felt enough then clean and key chain of fish motifs from coconut shell can be rubbed with mineral oil or can also with coconut oil, or varnish, so that the surface is more shiny and smooth .
Final result coconut shell handicraft shape fish

7. When finished, then make a small hole to insert a small wire to function as a keychain

This is how to make crafts from coconut shells, with the idea of ​​making key chains, with fish motifs. coconut shell is very possible to make various kinds of handicrafts, only ideas and creativity can do it, hopefully this article is useful.