Tuesday, December 24, 2019

What is Coconut Shell Charcoal, Making Process, Benefits and Prices

Coconut Shell Charcoal

What is coconut shell charcoal ?

Coconut Shell Charcoal, Making Process, Benefits and Prices - If we discuss about coconut, one part that is very useful for human life is the nut, all parts of this coconut can be used to meet human needs, one of which is coconut shells, where I live has a coconut shell which is very abundant due to high consumption of coconut flesh and coconut water.

Coconut shell can be said as waste, which has no economic value at all if it is not further processed, to increase economic value, one of which is to change coconut shell into handicrafts, or by turning it into charcoal.

Coconut shell charcoal is a coconut shell that goes through the process of heating or burning to the extent of leaving a black residue.

What is coconut shell charcoal used for ?

Coconut shell that has been burned into charcoal has a high carbon content. A good material used to make coconut shell charcoal is an old coconut shell, with the characteristics of a dark brown shell. Coconut shell charcoal has enormous benefits, especially as fuel, and if you want to make it into fuel, then coconut shell charcoal can be made into coconut shell charcoal briquettes
Coconut shell charcoal briquettes

Benefits of coconut shell charcoal

Besides being used as fuel by turning into a briquette, coconut shell charcoal is known to have several benefits, because the carbon properties of charcoal are activated carbon, here are some of the benefits:
1. Absorb poisons in the body
2. To reduce cholesterol
3. Cleanse the digestive system
4. Treat stomach aches
5. Relieve inflammation
6. Heal wounds
7. To stop diarrhea
8. Prevents motion sickness after consuming alcohol
9. To clear and purify water
10. Removes dirt on the skin.

Coconut shell charcoal making process

In the process of making coconut shell charcoal, it does not require a complicated process, the steps in making it namely

Old coconut shell
Coconut shell

Drum or adjust to the shell provided
Oil or paper to burn

Step making process
1. Insert the coconut shell into the drum or a place that can adjust the amount of the shell.
2. Flush with oil then burn the paper and place it in a shell stack.
3. Burn the coconut shell until the smoke is gone and the shell turns into charcoal.
4. Flush with water until the fire on the shell is completely extinguished, then dry in the sun to dry completely.

Coconut shell charcoal powder

Coconut shell charcoal powder
In the process of burning coconut shell charcoal, the shell that we burn often still contains coconut fibers, to further process the charcoal into powder, it is necessary to choose between the burning powder and coconut shell charcoal, separate the powder and charcoal into two parts, and what will be used is charcoal.

Furthermore, after being separated, coconut shell charcoal is then ground using a machine to make charcoal powder, this coconut shell charcoal powder is further processed, for example for the manufacture of briquettes.

Indonesian coconut shell charcoal

In my country, Indonesia, coconut can be said as one of the basic needs, especially as food, drinks, and other processed products, this results directly in the emergence of waste from coconut, including coconut shells, Indonesian coconut shell charcoal is one of the export products made from coconut shells for add economic value, in addition to being used for the handicraft industry which is also very well known in various parts of the world.

Coconut shell charcoal price Indonesia

Coconut shell charcoal price Indonesia, if it is used by the surrounding community, has a very affordable price, for one plastic weighing around 2 kg, we can get it for Rp. 5000, if you change in exchange rates of dollars with a ratio of $ 1 = Rp. 14,000, it's very cheap, but for export markets with large quotas, quoted according to peluangusaha.kontan.co.id, in an article published in May 2019, export quality coconut shell charcoal is sold at a price of $ 1,300 / ton.

Thus my short article this time about what is coconut shell charcoal, the manufacturing process, benefits and prices, coconut shell charcoal has the best quality that can be used as one of the needs for fuel and others, hopefully useful.
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