Sunday, September 22, 2019

Selection of Macapuno or Kopyor Coconut Seeds for Cultivation

Macapuno or Kopyor Coconut
Selection of macapuno or kopyor coconut seeds - Choosing macapuno or kopyor coconut seedlings is one of the main things in kopyor coconut cultivation to be successful. Coconut is an annual plant that can only produce after about 4 years old. in the span of time long enough for the coconut trees we plant to begin to bear fruit, of course we will have high hopes that the kopyor coconut we plant will be productive. That is why, a careful plan must be made related to the seeds to be planted so that later it will not bring losses both in terms of cost and time. Errors in the selection of seedlings will make plants unable to produce optimally even though they have been treated with proper operational technical cultivation standards.

Likewise, if we have selected seedlings well, when they are not combined with proper cultivation techniques, the results will not be optimal. The selection of kopyor coconut seeds must be combined with proper cultivation techniques so that the kopyor coconut planted is able to produce maximum yields and give satisfying results.

Then what is the way to choose quality coconut kopyor seeds?

Seed selection includes seed sources and also the criteria for fruit to be used as seedlings. The following are some things that need to be considered in choosing kopyor coconut seeds:

Excellent source of kopyor coconut seeds

Before you decide to make a coconut as a seed, make sure you already know that the coconut comes from a type of coconut or a hybrid, you already know the parent tree and the origin of the garden clearly. Coconut or hybrid coconut including coconut which has various advantages. Coconut has a larger fruit size and has a high copra content, while hybrid coconut has a large number of fruits and a dwarf tree so that it is easy to harvest. Clearly identified gardens will give a picture of kopyor coconut brooders, including good or not brooders, a clear garden will also provide a potential picture of coconut products that will be produced later. The existence of a certificate in the garden gives a guarantee about the quality of the fruit that will be used as seeds in the garden.

Criteria for kopyor coconuts are used as seeds

Not all coconuts fruit can be used as coconut seeds. However, only fruit that meets certain criteria can produce coconut with good quality and quantity. if you have decided to plant kopyor coconut seeds from deep coconut brooders, then in one bunch of old coconuts, not all of you can make seeds, usually for kopyor type coconuts in one bunch there will be a maximum of 2 kopyor coconuts, and the rest are normal coconuts but inherited kopyor genetic, and this type of coconut which you can choose as a seed, one of the criteria for seed selection that you must apply is to make sure the seeds to be used come from parent trees aged 20-40 years with high coconut production that is 80-120 grains / tree / year and high copra levels (25kg / tree / year).

Coconuts used for seed must be around 12 months old, 4/5 parts of the skin color is brown. The fruit is rather oval shaped and has no wound on the husk. The fruit used must be free from disease pests and measuring 17-22cm wide and 22-25cm long. Coconut skinned smooth, enough water in the fruit that is marked when shaken a loud voice.

Thus the information about how to choose kopyor coconut seeds. I hope that information can be useful. if you are interested in kopyor coconut cultivation?
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