Monday, September 23, 2019

Want To Plant Kopyor Coconut Or Macapuno Tree, Pay Attention To This

Kopyor coconut or macapuno tree
Kopyor Coconut is one of the coconut plants that is arguably rare, has the name macapuno tree if in philippines, Kopyor coconut is quite difficult to cultivate because of the difficulty of seedlings and the length of the process of waiting to see the results of the seeds that we plant. At present there is an option if we want to plant a macapuno coconut tree, whether to use seeds from ordinary coconut kopyor, using seed from dwarf coconut, or use seeds from embryo culture.

As we know that kopyor coconut is an abnormal fruit, in ordinary coconut, the flesh of the fruit will be attached to the shell and separated from coconut water, whereas in kopyor coconut, the flesh will be separated from the shell and mixed with coconut water. If the kopyor coconut is shaken, it will have a different sound when we shake the coconut.

Because the flesh is not attached to the coconut shell, the coarse fiber (cellulose) in the kopyor coconut flesh is not formed, this results in the texture of the coconut meat kopyor will become soft and smooth.

The effect of kopyor coconuts is that which makes some people feel that kopyor coconuts are young coconuts, even though kopyor coconuts will be good when picked when they are old. All types of coconuts have the same opportunity to become kopyor coconut.

There are some myths that are still believed by the public that to make a coconut tree to become a kopyor, there are several ways that can be done, for example by burning until charred, the soil around the trunk is dug up and given lime, to ripen ordinary coconut to become kopyor coconut. And science then answers that all of the above methods are not correct.

A coconut tree will become kopyor coconut due to genetic processes, kopyor coconut has genetic abnormalities so that the coconut fruit has characteristic features which has been mentioned above in this article, genetic defects in kopyor coconuts are caused by, among others, the effects of nutrition, weather, sunlight, disease, etc. . Abnormalities that occur then settle then these traits are passed down to the next generation.

The problem that arises when going to cultivate kopyor coconut is seed, although kopyor coconut also has a normal embryo, but it will not be able to develop because the embryo is separated from fruit flesh which will become a nutrient reserve when the embryo develops. Small, granular coconut embryos are slightly elongated and white with a size of 1 to 1.5 mm. in one coconut fruit will have three potential embryos, located at the end of the stalk, of the three prospective embryos, generally only one will grow into an embryo.
Kopyor coconut embryos can only be grown in a laboratory with tissue culture techniques, the way is to take embryos that are in kopyor coconuts.

Until now, the development of kopyor coconut seedlings has been done a lot, excess seed propagation with embryo culture is an opportunity to be obtained to become 99% kopyor coconut. This means that every embryo that is grown when it is fruiting will produce kopyor coconuts, one of the weaknesses in seeding with ordinary kopyor coconut is that it takes a long time to know the results.

How to plant kopyor coconuts done by the community so far usually uses seeds derived from kopyor coconuts, but with ordinary coconuts found in bunches, because ordinary kopyor coconuts never produce 100% kopyor coconuts, there is always normal coconuts. In fact, many are found in one kopyor coconut bunches, a maximum only 2 kopyor coconut, from one bunch containing 10 coconuts, the chance to become kopyor coconuts is only 20%.

If we plant kopyor coconut seedlings from ordinary coconut, then certainty whether the coconut will become kopyor coconut will only be known when the kopyor coconut tree is already fruiting in the 8th year, if we plant dwarf kopyor coconut, the results will be seen after the 4th year, of course with the percentage below 70%, the safest and most appropriate step if you want to plant large amounts of kopyor coconut, you should choose seeds from embryo culture, because it will produce 99% kopyor coconuts in a bunch when it is already produced.
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